Premium Diamond Tools and Equipment for Concrete, Marble, Terrazzo Floor Prep and Countertops Reshaping
Grinding, Polishing, Coating Removal and Maintenance

Polished Floor
Polished surfaces give us a clean and comfortable feel.
The polishing tools we carry can remove any swirls on surfaces, Save costs and lift the dull surfaces to a high-gloss effect.
Edges, Corners Processing Tools
Our cup-wheel series is designed for areas that are hidden and hard to reach.
We offer metal and ceramic cup wheels with different sizes for various applications.

Concrete Floor Resurfacing
Old floors such as concrete, marble, granite. terrazzo and masonry must be refinished to expose new surfaces.
Diamond tooling plays an important role in these projects.
Bush Hammered Surface
The Carbide Tipped Bush Hammer quickly exposes concrete. Especially useful on outside jobs.
Gets rid of sticky surfaces, leaving an anti-slip surface.