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hybrid resin diamond pad: remove scratch, polish concrete
50 grit hybrid resin diamond pad: remove scratch, polish concrete
100 grit hybrid resin diamond pad: remove scratch, polish concrete
200 grit hybrid resin diamond pad: remove scratch, polish concrete

Polishing Pads-Hybrid Polishing Pucks For 'Transition'

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3" hybrid resin polishing pucks are acted as an 'connection' or 'transition' in between metal grinding and floor polishing.

The 'hybrid' of metal and resin can effectively erase deeper marks/scratches/swirls resulted from metal bond diamond tooling so as to make floor polishing easier. 

  • Size: 3"
  • Grit: 50, 100, 200#
  • Usage: Dry or Wet
  • Machine: Walk-behind planetary grinding Machines
  • Applications: concrete, terrazzo, masonry, natural stone floors
  • Condition of Floor: hard, medium, soft floors